This past weekend, Victory Club members and friends united at Philip Johnson's Glass House in New Canaan, CT for a lovely afternoon of chilled wine, chilled oysters, chilled people, and art.
Victory Club members & guests approach The Glass House, New Canaan
Chefanie curated the perfect Saturday afternoon with Bodvàr of Sweden rosé, Hummock Island oysters, and fantastic people. It didn't hurt that the sun was shining and the grass was greener on all sides.
Invitation painted by Chefanie
After a round of rosé, the gathering migrated to the Glass House, a beautiful all-glass structure in the midst of New Canaan nature.
Philip Johnson's Glass House creates a dialogue with nature
Art-appreciators and connoisseurs alike embarked on a private tour of the grounds.
Our tour took us from the Philip Johnson's minimalist swimming pool to the textured pieces by Robert Rauschenberg in Philip Johnson's famous art gallery...
...... to Yayoi Kasuma's Narcissus Garden. The Kusama exhibition is on view for the summer in honor of Philip Johnson’s 110th birthday and the tenth anniversary of the Glass House.
Narcissus Garden
And what's a Victory Club outing without Chefanie's superb eats? The Hummock Island oysters were farmed nearby in Westport, CT earlier in the day of the event. Our reception was not just farm to table, but farm to museum table!
Outstanding oysters from Hummock Island
Of course, Chefanie also made a vanilla cake & decorated it with her famous Chefanie Sheets.
Cake with Amsterdam #ChefanieSheets, available for purchase at
Every detail was minimalist, including Philip Johnson's tablescape, but surrounded by the world's most detailed & expensive wallpaper.
Guests echoed the aesthetic. One guest even wore a polka-dot dress to match the Yayoi Kusama pumpkin.
Kusama's "Pumpkin"
A delightful time was had by all.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who came. Click here to get in the mix!
Chefanie at The Glass House, New Canaan