This past Saturday, Kristin Simmons hosted Victory Club in her private NYC studio! Kristin's art comments on the excesses of NYC, an excess that Kristin herself personally experienced while growing up in the city.
As members & guests entered Kristin's studio, everyone was greeted with cheese and crackers, GH Mumm champagne and friendly faces.
Champagne courtesy of GH Mumm
Kristin's art is colorful and fresh, and the menu reflected the nature of her work.
For the first course, members and guests were presented with a blood orange salad. Bright and bold just like Kristin's art.
Orange salad
"Chefanie" and Kristin talking over orange salad and Mumm Napa Rosé
For the second course, members and guests shared in enjoying Kristin's favorite dish: filet mignon.
Filet mignon
Some of Kristin's more recent works provide commentary on political affairs, like gun control and Wall Street scandals. The dessert was in homage to Kristin's iconic, eye-catching "Second Amendment" pieces: an ice cream sundae with a cherry and white chocolate gun on top.
Kristin Simmons' "Second Amendment: 1989"
White chocolate guns to garnish ice cream sundaes referencing Kristin's work with the Second Amendment
And of course, what's a Victory Club event without "Chefanie's" famous, bite-sized chocolate chip cookies. Warm, gooey and fresh out of the oven!
Bite-sized chocolate chip cookies
Cookies and Mumm Napa rosé. A great pairing!
At the end of the meal, members and friends were lucky enough to have Kristin share her Senior Thesis at Columbia University: a re-interpretation of the childhood board game "Candy Land" from an adult lens.
Artist Kristin Simmons answering questions about her Senior Thesis at Columbia University
More champagne made members and friends (and "Chefanie") bubbly and happy.
"Chefanie" celebrating a victorious luncheon by popping another bottle of GH Mumm rosé
Thursday's luncheon was a great time had by all!
And a special thank you to our sponsors at BMW for an amazing ride to and from the event!
"Chefanie" in BMW New York's 7 Series