Mark Kostabi has work in the Met, MoMA, and Guggenheim permanent collections. He did the album covers for Guns N' Roses' Use Your Illusion and The Ramones' ¡Adios_Amigos!. He has collaborated with Swatch, San Pellegrino, and Alessi on products. He is an accomplished music composer who has played concerts all over the world. On Saturday, he hosted Victory Club members and their guests to "Kostabi World" for a luncheon of rosé and Roman fare.
The Studio at Kostabi World, including the "Sexting" painting that was the most popular one among the group :)
The afternoon began with Mark leading a studio tour. He walked the group of Victory Club members and guests through his four story townhouse, presenting his range of work and answering questions along the way.
Mark showing his drawings to members and guests.
Mark Kostabi posing in front of his work.
After the studio tour, the group convened for lunch. Mark and Victory Club founder, Stephanie Nass, together chose all of the menu items to highlight the Italian influence on his art.
Mark Kostabi spends half the year working in Rome, Italy. He and Stephanie Nass selected his favorite Roman dishes for the event, and he helped decorate the menus.
Tiramisù was for dessert. It was topped by a chocolate Victory Club seal.
After lunch, the group moved to the roof to enjoy the warm weather.
The afternoon concluded (and culminated) with of Mark performing some of his original piano compositions.
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